struct mp2p_icp::OptimalTF_GN_Parameters


#include <optimal_tf_gauss_newton.h>

struct OptimalTF_GN_Parameters
    // fields

    std::optional<mrpt::poses::CPose3D> linearizationPoint;
    std::optional<mrpt::poses::CPose3DPDFGaussianInf> prior;
    double minDelta = 1e-7;
    double maxCost = 0;
    PairWeights pairWeights;
    uint32_t maxInnerLoopIterations = 6;
    RobustKernel kernel = RobustKernel::None;
    double kernelParam = 1.0;
    bool verbose = false;


std::optional<mrpt::poses::CPose3D> linearizationPoint

The linerization point (the current relative pose guess)

std::optional<mrpt::poses::CPose3DPDFGaussianInf> prior

Optional prior guess of the SE(3) solution, including a mean value and an inverse covariance (information) matrix, i.e. zeros in the diagonal mean that those prior coordinates should be ignored, a large value means the solution must be close to those coordinates.

double minDelta = 1e-7

Minimum SE(3) change to stop iterating.

double maxCost = 0

Maximum cost function; when reached, stop iterating.

uint32_t maxInnerLoopIterations = 6

Maximum number of iterations trying to solve for the optimal pose