State estimators

1. Theory

State Estimation (SE) comprises finding the vehicle kinematic state(s) that best explain the imperfect, noisy sensor readings.

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What? Why? How?

2. Selecting the S.E. method in launch files

In the context of launching LiDAR odometry (LO) mapping or localization as explained here, note that default configurations include StateEstimationSimple as the method of choice, but it can be changed as follows:

MOLA-LO with a custom State Estimation configuration

Both, all MOLA-LO GUI applications, and the ROS node, rely on MOLA system configuration files to know what MOLA modules to launch and what parameters to pass to them.

So, what follows are just examples that should be considered starting points for user customizations by using custom S.E. parameter files:

# Launch LO-GUI on the KITTI dataset, using the default state estimator:
mola-lo-gui-kitti 04

# Launch MOLA-LO (CLI version) on KITTI, using default state estimator:
mola-lidar-odometry-cli \
  -c $(ros2 pkg prefix mola_lidar_odometry)/share/mola_lidar_odometry/pipelines/lidar3d-default.yaml \
  --input-kitti-seq 04
# Launch LO-GUI on the KITTI dataset, using the smoother state estimator:
MOLA_STATE_ESTIMATOR="mola::state_estimation_smoother::StateEstimationSmoother" \
MOLA_STATE_ESTIMATOR_YAML="$(ros2 pkg prefix mola_lidar_odometry)/share/mola_lidar_odometry/state-estimator-params/state-estimation-smoother.yaml" \
  mola-lo-gui-kitti 04

# Launch MOLA-LO (CLI version) on KITTI, using the smoother state estimator:
mola-lidar-odometry-cli \
  -c $(ros2 pkg prefix mola_lidar_odometry)/share/mola_lidar_odometry/pipelines/lidar3d-default.yaml \
  --state-estimator "mola::state_estimation_smoother::StateEstimationSmoother" \
  --load-plugins \
  --input-kitti-seq 04

# idem, using non-default state-estimation parameters:
mola-lidar-odometry-cli \
  -c $(ros2 pkg prefix mola_lidar_odometry)/share/mola_lidar_odometry/pipelines/lidar3d-default.yaml \
  --state-estimator "mola::state_estimation_smoother::StateEstimationSmoother" \
  --state-estimator-param-file $(ros2 pkg prefix mola_lidar_odometry)/share/mola_lidar_odometry/state-estimator-params/state-estimation-smoother.yaml \
  --load-plugins \
  --input-kitti-seq 04

3. API and supported inputs

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4. Implementation: Simple estimator

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5. Implementation: Factor graph smoother

The package mola_state_estimation_smoother implements a sliding window optimization over the last few keyframes and sensor observations (odometry sources, IMU, GNNS) in order to being able to solve for the optimal kinematic state (pose + velocity) at any desired time point, interpolating or extrapolating into the past or future.

When run as a MOLA module (e.g. within a ROS 2 node), it also publishes the estimated fused pose information in a timely manner, for use as the high-quality, robust localization source.

This package follows this frame convention (see other /tf configurations when using MOLA LiDAR-odometry without state estimation):

This is who is responsible of publishing each transformation:

  • odom_{i} base_link: One or more odometry sources.

  • map base_link: Published by this state estimation package.

  • enu {map, utm}: Published by mrpt_map_server (github) or mola_lidar_odometry map loading service if fed with a geo-referenced metric map (.mm) file.

Add me: Pictures of factor graph model.

Write me: concept of adding temporary keyframes for querying the pose at a given time.

5.1. Kinematic factors

Between two consecutive keyframes close enough in time, a “kinematic factor” is added. Two options are implemented:

A. Free motion kinematic factor

This is actually implemented as the combination of distinct GTSAM factors:

  • mola::state_estimation_smoother::FactorConstLocalVelocity: between linear and the angular velocity components of both keyframes to favor smooth velocities. See line 3 of eq (4) in the MOLA RSS2019 paper.

  • mola::state_estimation_smoother::FactorTrapezoidalIntegrator: enforces fulfillment of numerical integration on the translational part of SE(3). See line 2 of eq (1) in the MOLA RSS2019 paper.

  • mola::state_estimation_smoother::FactorAngularVelocityIntegration: enforces the fulfillment of numerical integration on the rotational part of SE(3). See line 1 of eq (4) in the MOLA RSS2019 paper.

B. Tricycle model kinematic factor

This is actually implemented as the combination of distinct GTSAM factors:

  • mola::state_estimation_smoother::FactorConstLocalVelocity: between linear and the angular velocity components of both keyframes to favor smooth velocities. See line 3 of eq (4) in the MOLA RSS2019 paper.

  • mola::state_estimation_smoother::FactorTricycleModelIntegrator: enforces fulfillment of numerical integration assuming the robot moves following the part of SE(3). TODO: Write equations!

  • gtsam::PriorFactor: to (gently) favor null components of the local velocity components vy, vz, wx, wy. Parameters can be used to tune how much these soft constraints are allowed to be broken, i.e. depending on how much wheel slippage exists.