1. Data structures
Metric maps: point clouds, and more
The basic data class is metric_map_t
. It comprises:
A set of map layers, each one an instance of a generic mrpt::maps::CMetricMap, typically point clouds (mrpt::maps::CSimplePointsMap) but may hold also 2D grid maps (mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D) or 3D octomaps (mrpt::maps::COctoMap). Layers are indexed by a name (
).Other geometric entities: lines, planes.


Although the corresponding C++ class (mrpt::maps::CSimpleMap) is defined in the MRPT project, we enumerate it here as it is a fundamental data structure for this package.
Simple-maps represent tuples of robot poses (keyframes) along with raw sensor observations gathered from that pose.
2. Algorithms
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3. YAML pipeline definition files
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