class mp2p_icp::Matcher_Adaptive


Pointcloud matcher: adaptive algorithm automatically discarding outliers, and creating point-to-plane, point-to-line, or point-to-point pairings.

Finds pairings between the local and global input metric maps.

By default, each local point layer is matched against the layer with the same name in the global map, unless specified otherwise in the base class member weight_pt2pt_layers. Refer to example configuration YAML files for example configurations.

#include <Matcher_Adaptive.h>

class Matcher_Adaptive: public mp2p_icp::Matcher_Points_Base
    // fields

    std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, double>> weight_pt2pt_layers;
    bool allowMatchAlreadyMatchedPoints_ = false;
    bool allowMatchAlreadyMatchedGlobalPoints_ = false;
    std::optional<std::size_t> kdtree_leaf_max_points_;
    double bounding_box_intersection_check_epsilon_ = 0.20;

    // construction


        double ConfidenceInterval,
        double FirstToSecondDistanceMax,
        double AbsoluteMaxSearchDistance

    // methods

    virtual void initialize(const mrpt::containers::yaml& params);

Inherited Members

    // structs

    struct TransformedLocalPointCloud;

    // fields

    uint32_t runUpToIteration = 0;

    // methods

    virtual void initialize(const mrpt::containers::yaml& params);

    virtual bool match(
        const metric_map_t& pcGlobal,
        const metric_map_t& pcLocal,
        const mrpt::poses::CPose3D& localPose,
        const MatchContext& mc,
        MatchState& ms,
        Pairings& out
        ) const;

    virtual void initialize(const mrpt::containers::yaml& params);


std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, double>> weight_pt2pt_layers

Weights for each potential Local->Global point layer matching. If empty, the output Pairings::point_weights will left empty (=all points have equal weight). Note: this field can be loaded from a configuration file via initializeLayerWeights().

Map is: w[“globalLayer”][“localLayer”]=weight;

bool allowMatchAlreadyMatchedPoints_ = false

Whether to allow matching local points that have been already matched by a former Matcher instance in the pipeline.

bool allowMatchAlreadyMatchedGlobalPoints_ = false

If false, global map points can be paired exclusively against one local point.

std::optional<std::size_t> kdtree_leaf_max_points_

Maximum number of points per tree node. Not set: nanoflann default.

double bounding_box_intersection_check_epsilon_ = 0.20

The additional “margin” in all axes (x,y,z) that bounding box is enlarged for checking the feasibility of pairings to exist.


virtual void initialize(const mrpt::containers::yaml& params)

Parameters :

  • confidenceInterval : Inliers top-confidence interval. (0-1)

  • firstToSecondDistanceMax :

  • absoluteMaxSearchDistance :

Plus: the parameters of Matcher_Points_Base::initialize()