struct mola::LidarOdometry::Parameters
#include <LidarOdometry.h> struct Parameters: public mp2p_icp::Parameterizable { // structs struct AdaptiveThreshold; struct ICP_case; struct InitialLocalizationOptions; struct MapUpdateOptions; struct MultipleLidarOptions; struct ObservationValidityChecks; struct SimpleMapOptions; struct TraceOutputOptions; struct TrajectoryOutputOptions; struct Visualization; // fields std::vector<std::regex> lidar_sensor_labels; std::optional<std::regex> imu_sensor_label; std::optional<std::regex> wheel_odometry_sensor_label; std::optional<std::regex> gnss_sensor_label; double min_time_between_scans = 0.05; double max_sensor_range_filter_coefficient = 0.999; double absolute_minimum_sensor_range = 5.0; bool optimize_twist = false; double optimize_twist_rerun_min_trans = 0.1; double optimize_twist_rerun_min_rot_deg = 0.5; size_t optimize_twist_max_corrections = 8; MultipleLidarOptions multiple_lidars; MapUpdateOptions local_map_updates; double min_icp_goodness = 0.4; bool pipeline_profiler_enabled = false; bool icp_profiler_enabled = false; bool icp_profiler_full_history = false; Visualization visualization; AdaptiveThreshold adaptive_threshold; std::map<AlignKind, ICP_case> icp; SimpleMapOptions simplemap; TrajectoryOutputOptions estimated_trajectory; TraceOutputOptions debug_traces; InitialLocalizationOptions initial_localization; ObservationValidityChecks observation_validity_checks; bool start_active = true; int32_t max_lidar_queue_before_drop = 20; uint32_t gnss_queue_max_size = 100; std::string publish_reference_frame = "odom"; std::string publish_vehicle_frame = "base_link"; };
std::vector<std::regex> lidar_sensor_labels
List of sensor labels or regex’s to be matched to input observations to be used as raw lidar observations.
std::optional<std::regex> imu_sensor_label
Sensor labels or regex to be matched to input observations to be used as raw IMU observations.
std::optional<std::regex> wheel_odometry_sensor_label
Sensor labels or regex to be matched to input observations to be used as wheel odometry observations.
std::optional<std::regex> gnss_sensor_label
Sensor labels or regex to be matched to input observations to be used as GNSS (GPS) observations.
double min_time_between_scans = 0.05
Minimum time (seconds) between scans for being attempted to be aligned. Scans faster than this rate will be just silently ignored.
bool optimize_twist = false
If enabled (slower), vehicle twist will be optimized during ICP enabling better and more robust odometry in high dynamics motion.
double min_icp_goodness = 0.4
Minimum ICP “goodness” (in the range [0,1]) for a new KeyFrame to be accepted during regular lidar odometry & mapping
std::string publish_reference_frame = "odom"
When publishing pose updates, the reference frame for both, estimated robot poses, and the local map.
std::string publish_vehicle_frame = "base_link"
When publishing pose updates, the vehicle frame name.