namespace tsl::detail_robin_hash
namespace detail_robin_hash { // typedefs typedef std::uint64_t slz_size_type; typedef std::uint32_t truncated_hash_type; // structs template <typename T> struct has_is_transparent<T, typename make_void<typename T::is_transparent>::type>; template <typename T, typename = void> struct has_is_transparent; template <typename U> struct is_power_of_two_policy; template <std::size_t GrowthFactor> struct is_power_of_two_policy<tsl::rh::power_of_two_growth_policy<GrowthFactor>>; template <typename T> struct make_void; // classes template <typename ValueType, bool StoreHash> class bucket_entry; template <bool StoreHash> class bucket_entry_hash; template <> class bucket_entry_hash<true>; template < class ValueType, class KeySelect, class ValueSelect, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, bool StoreHash, class GrowthPolicy > class robin_hash; // global functions template <typename T, typename U> static T numeric_cast( U value, const char* error_message = "numeric_cast() failed." ); template <class T, class Deserializer> static T deserialize_value(Deserializer& deserializer); } // namespace detail_robin_hash
typedef std::uint64_t slz_size_type
Fixed size type used to represent size_type values on serialization. Need to be big enough to represent a std::size_t on 32 and 64 bits platforms, and must be the same size on both platforms.