Module: mola-launcher

Application: mola-cli

mola-cli is the most-common entry point to the MOLA system for users. Refer to demos for real examples to launch and run SLAM systems.



   mola-cli  [--list-module-shared-dirs] [--list-modules]
             [--rtti-children-of <mp2p_icp::ICP_Base>] [--rtti-list-all]
             [--profiler-whole] [-p] [-v <INFO>] [-c <demo.yml>] [--]
             [--version] [-h]


     Finds all MOLA module source/shared directories, then list them. Paths
     can be added with the environment variable MOLA_MODULES_SHARED_PATH.

     Loads all MOLA modules, then list them. It also shows the list of
     paths in which the program looks for module dynamic libraries, then

   --rtti-children-of <mp2p_icp::ICP_Base>
     Loads all MOLA modules, then list all known classes that inherit from
     the given one, and exits.

     Loads all MOLA modules, then list all classes registered via
     mrpt::rtti, and exits.

     Enable whole-history time profiler in all modules (Default: NO). **DO
     NOT** use in production, only to benchmark short runs (unbounded
     memory usage)

   -p,  --profiler
     Enable time profiler by default in all modules (Default: NO)

   -v <INFO>,  --verbosity <INFO>
     Verbosity level: ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG (Default: INFO)

   -c <demo.yml>,  --config <demo.yml>
     Input YAML config file (required) (*.yml)

   --,  --ignore_rest
     Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.

     Displays version information and exits.

   -h,  --help
     Displays usage information and exits.


Example: Launching a SLAM system with performance details at end:

mola-cli kitti_lidar_slam.yml -p

Example: To list all known ICP algorithms:

mola-cli --rtti-children-of mp2p_icp::ICP_Base

Listing children of class: mp2p_icp::ICP_Base

Application: mola-dir

mola-dir is a CLI program that finds the shared directory (see Module shared files paths) of a module. It is most-commonly useful inside evaluation expression of MOLA definition files (SLAM system YAML configuration file format).



   mola-dir  <module_name>

Note: To list all known shared directories of modules, use:

mola-cli --list-module-shared-dirs

Application: mola-yaml-parser

mola-yaml-parser is a CLI program that parses YAML files using MOLA-specific extensions (see YAML extensions), and outputs the result to cout.



   mola-yaml-parser  [--no-env-vars] [--no-cmd-runs] [--no-includes] [--]
                     [--version] [-h] <YAML files>


     Disables solving YAML `${xxx}`s (Default: NO)

     Disables solving YAML `$(cmd)`s (Default: NO)

     Disables solving YAML `$include{}`s (Default: NO)

   --,  --ignore_rest
     Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.

     Displays version information and exits.

   -h,  --help
     Displays usage information and exits.

   <YAML files>
     (required)  Input YAML file (required) (*.yml)


mola-yaml-parser --no-env-vars demos/kitti_lidar_slam.yml

C++ library: mola-launcher

See mola_launcher_grp.