struct mp2p_icp_filters::FilterCurvature::Parameters


#include <FilterCurvature.h>

struct Parameters
    // fields

    std::string input_pointcloud_layer =             mp2p_icp::metric_map_t::PT_LAYER_RAW;
    std::string output_layer_larger_curvature;
    std::string output_layer_smaller_curvature;
    std::string output_layer_other;
    float max_cosine = 0.5f;
    float min_clearance = 0.02f;
    float max_gap = 1.00f;

    // methods

    void load_from_yaml(const mrpt::containers::yaml& c);


std::string output_layer_larger_curvature

If non-empty, points with larger curvature (“edges”) will be stored here.

std::string output_layer_smaller_curvature

If non-empty, points with smaller curvature (“flatter”) will be stored here.

std::string output_layer_other

If non-empty, points that do no fall in any of the two categories are stored here.