
How to install all MOLA modules:

From ROS 2 repositories

Recommended: This is the easiest way to install MOLA.

In Debian/Ubuntu systems, activate your ROS environment (setup.bash) if not done automatically in your ~./bashrc file, then just run:

# Install core MOLA modules:
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-mola

# Install the MOLA LIDAR odometry package:
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-mola-lidar-odometry

# Install example small datasets to run demos/unit tests:
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-mola-test-datasets

Check if all new nodes and apps are visible:

cd ~/ros2_mola_ws/
. install/setup.bash

# For example, let's launch the mm map viewer.
# If a GUI app is opened, it means installation was successful.

Check the build status table to find out what MOLA version is available for your ROS distribution.

Build from sources

MOLA uses colcon so you need to install it first.

Note that despite ROS 2 integration, a full ROS 2 installation is actually not required for MOLA, only colcon and ament.

Clone the git repositories, including the submodules:

mkdir -p ~/ros2_mola_ws/src/
cd ~/ros2_mola_ws/src/

# Optional: Get latest version of mrpt2.
# git clone mrpt2 --recursive

# Main MOLA modules:
git clone
git clone --recursive
git clone --recursive
git clone

# MOLA lidar odometry package:
# not published yet!
#git clone --recursive

Make sure you have all dependencies installed (make sure of having rosdep already installed):

cd ~/ros2_mola_ws/
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

Now, compile as usual with colcon:

cd ~/ros2_mola_ws/
colcon  build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

Next, activate the new environment and check if all new modules are visible:

cd ~/ros2_mola_ws/
. install/setup.bash

# For example, let's launch the mm map viewer: